Professional Ethics and Media Management

March 5, 2007 • Ethics and Quality • by



How effective are the moral codes of media companies?

Double moral standards are a constitutive element of modern societies as they are of their media systems. The values usually extolled by morally upright individuals on festive occasions or on university campuses are not necessarily identical to those that guide their actions in the professional context. Hence, it is not much of a surprise that more than a few people try in vain to live up to the lofty ideals of human decency and incorruptibility usually demanded from, say, politicians. Journalists might not be the exception that proves the rule.

Published In: Baerns, Barbara (Hrsg.)(2004):Leitbilder von gestern? Zur Trennung von Werbung und Programm,
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften

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