Dr. Scott Maier


Dr. Scott Maier is a journalism professor at the University of Oregon. In 2009, he was a visiting research fellow at the European Journalism Observatory, Università della svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland). For his research on media accuracy, Maier received (with Philip Meyer)  the Sigma Delta Chi award for Research about Journalism. He serves on the advisory board of the MediaAct Project, a European Union study of media accountability.

A 20-year newspaper and wire-service veteran, Maier has covered city hall, the state legislature, Latin America, and a variety of other news beats. He was founder of CAR Northwest, an industry-academic partnership providing training in computer-assisted reporting to newsrooms and journalism classrooms. His research interests include online news coverage, newsroom numeracy, media accuracy, and managing technological change.

Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000
M.A., University of Southern California, 1989
B.A., Oberlin College, 1977

Email: [email protected]


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